Join us for this informative luncheon that will highlight the initiative of a group of doctors, interns and prospective medical students who travelled from the United States to Lebanon. The goal of the HOME trip was to provide free medical care and medications to nine villages. Come and find out what HOME is all about and how it affected its participants and its recipients.
Fadwa Saleh will also be announcing the roll out of a new initiative: Journey to Your Roots that involves young people ages 19 to 25 years old. The purpose of this initiative is to connect our daughters and sons who have grown in the United States to their Lebanese roots, by organizing a group visit to 9 different villages in Lebanon. The group visit will involve meeting young Lebanese who are residing in these villages and to embark on a day long project or visits to interesting cultural and historical sites.
Please bring your sons and daughters so they may learn of this great opportunity that is currently in the making.
SPEAKERS: Dr. Ray Hashem, Liana Hamdan, Sean Ghaoui & Fadwa Saleh
SCHEDULE: 11:00 am - Meet & Greet 12:00 noon - Buffet Lunch 1:00 pm - Speakers’ Program
Ticket Cost: $40.00* Deadline to purchase your ticket is Midnight, October 5, 2023
*ALCC members receive 10% discount upon checkout, making it the ideal time to become a member.